USAHC Grafenwoehr

Medical Readiness

Thank you for visiting the USAHC Grafenwoehr Medical Readiness page!

If you are seeking services for Medical Readiness and are in any of the following brigades, please visit your Troop Medics at USAHC Grafenwoehr in person by pulling a ticket from the kiosk for “Troop Medical”:
1st Squadron (Airborne), 91st Cavalry Regiment
2nd Cavalry Regiment
4th Battalion, 319th Field Artillery Regiment
15th Engineer Battalion, 18th Military Police Brigade
41st Field Artillery Brigade

The Medical Readiness office (MEDPROS) is here to provide services to units without direct medical assets.

In/Out Processing:

  1. In/Out processing will take place in person. Please visit us at the Medical Readiness office during duty hours 0900-1600.

Labs/Immunization/Visual Acuity:

  1. An in-person visit will be required to accommodate these readiness categories.

  2. Visual acuity will be performed by our Readiness team. IF APPLICABLE, please bring with you two pairs of issued glasses.

  3. Labs and Immunizations will be ordered in-person. NOTE: Some Labs may require a fasting period of 12 hours prior to the draw.


  1. PCS Forms specific to your next duty location will be generated by your S1. Forms will be completed by you and your S1 rep prior to your visit to the Medical Readiness office. NOTE: Blank or incomplete Forms will NOT be processed for signature by our Readiness team. Medical Readiness Class 1 will be the only authorized readiness class for processing and signature. If you are RED on any medical readiness please let us know so we can help fix the deficiency.

  2. After all data has been fill in and Forms are complete please visit us at the Medical Readiness office to process your paperwork for Provider signature NOTE: All forms have a 48-72 hour turnaround time.


  1. Ensure your online portion of the PHA is COMPLETED (status: Member Portion Complete). Visit: to find the online portion. NOTE: CAC log in and government computer required.
  2. Once at MODS Home Screen Click on MHA (PHA/DHA/Referral Tracking)
  3. Once the online portion (phase one) is complete,  please visit the MEDPROS office during duty hours Monday to Friday, 0900-1115; 1300-1600, to be able to schedule your phase two portion with a provider. NOTE: PHA Appointments cannot be made over the phone and must be physically routed through the MEDPROS office.


  1. To complete an Army Physical for any reason i.e. Schools, Flight, Special Operations, ETS/Separation etc. please visit NOTE: CAC log in and government computer required.

  2. Once at MODS Home Screen Click on MHA (PHA/DHA/Referral Tracking)

  3. Click the SHPE TAB (Forms displayed will be DA Form 2808; DA Form 2807-1; and DA Form 2697) NOTE: Only ETS and Separation physicals require a DA Form 2697, all other physicals only require DA Forms 2808 and 2807-1 to be completed!

  4. DA Form 2808 will require in-person visits to the Dental Clinic and Optometry department at Grafenwoehr Clinic for verification signature and the Audiology Clinic at Camp Aachen (operation hours 0730-1130) for signature, please also request a print out of your last audiology exam.

  5. After completion of Steps 4, Visit us at the Medical Readiness office to verify completion and to order the require Labs. NOTE: Labs may require 12 hours of fasting before time of draw.

  6. After you have completed your Labs return to the Medical Readiness office to schedule your Physical appointment with the Provider.


Contact Us


Bldg. 475




Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
No walk-in services 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. 
Closed weekends, federal holidays, and
12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. the first and third Thursday of each month for training
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!