Patient Administration Division
The Patient Administration Division provides quality healthcare administrative service support to the Soldiers, Family Members and DoD-eligible beneficiaries of the U.S. Army Garrison Italy community and surrounding areas.
Scope of service:
- Medical Record Requests
- Release of Information
- Medical TDY / LRMC Shuttle
- Third Party Collections (TPC)/Other Health Insurance (OHI) Updates; Registrations
- Registrations
Eligible Beneficiaries:
- Active duty service members and dependents
- Retired service members and dependents
- Civilian DOD employees
How to Schedule an Appointment:
Patients are seen on a walk-in basis during normal business hours.
Records Requests:
Patients should utilize the
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal (hyperlink: for Immunizations and Laboratory Results.
Patients needing a copy of their Medical Records for Retirement, Legal/Insurance, and Continuity of Care on the Civilian Network may submit
DD Form 2870
- Submit DD Form 2870 with a copy of the front and back of the requestor's Driver’s License (to verify signature) to
- Upon receipt, we will acknowledge receipt of your request via email. Normal processing time is 30 working days or less. The records will be sent to the email address provided. The email you receive will be from DOD Safe as a PDF with password protection. A separate email with the password will be sent to you so you may access your records.
Medical TDY
Patients who are referred to a facility greater than 100 miles may be eligible for reimbursement. A Statement of Competent Medical Authority (CMA) for Medical Travel will be completed by the Referring Provider.
Statement of Competent Medical Authority for Medical Travel - Soldier Member (SM)
Statement of Competent Medical Authority for Medical Travel – Family Member (FM)
This form will be processed by PAD and the patient will receive a Memorandum for Record for input into the Defense travel system (DTS).

Medical Shuttle
The medical shuttle is available for patients with a referral to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and/or adjacent facilities within Germany. Patients must see the Patient Administration Division (PAD) to coordinate travel and receive the completed Competent Medical Authority (CMA) packet discussed above.

DOD ID holders not on medical status may also utilize the medical shuttle at space available (SPACE-A). No reservation is need. Priority will be given to patients on medical temporary duty status.
The medical shuttle departs Vicenza to Germany with stops at Ramstein, and LRMC every Tuesday and Thursday. The pickup time is 0645 hours at the Health Clinic parking lot with the bus leaving promptly at 0710 hours.
The medical shuttle returns from Germany to Vicenza every Wednesday and Friday. The pickup time from Ramstein (Gate 1) is 0830-0845, and at LRMC Emergency Room is 0900-0930 hours.
Duration of travel is approximately 10 hours with two rest stops.
Individuals utilizing the LRMC medical shuttle will park on the Caserma Ederle west wall road adjacent to the Health Clinic (along the green fence line).