USAHC Stuttgart

Patient Administration and Records

The Patient Administrations (PAD) office is dedicated to providing the medical information our customers need while protecting our patients' privacy. Our goal is to deliver a quality product in a prompt, professional manner.

Requesting Information

Patients may request copies of their medical records using form DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information) available online at either by mail or by visiting Patient Administration Department, located on the first floor, building 2300.

  • Requests for outpatient records, take a minimum of 30 business days to process.
  • Behavioral Health, Family Advocacy and sensitive records must be reviewed and cleared by a provider before release. Please allow up to 30 business days for processing.
  • Inpatient records are not available at this location, and must be requested directly at the treatment facility where the surgical treatment was completed.

The following record requests can normally be processed same day as a walk-in:

  • Laboratory Tests
  • Radiology Tests
  • Most EKGs
  • Immunizations
  • Electronic Pediatric Records
  • Electronic Physician notes
  • All requests for information must include the following:
    • Patient's name
    • Patient's date of birth
    • Sponsor's complete social security number
    • Period of treatment/information needed
    • Statement authorizing USAHC PAD to release the records to a specific person/organization
    • An address and/or phone number of the receiving person/organization
    • The purpose for the release of the information
    • Expiration Date
  • Patient's signature/date. ***Patients who are 18 years and older, or emancipated, must sign an authorization for release of their medical records. ***

Additional Resources can be found at Access Army Medicine.


  1. Minor children, physically, or mentally challenged persons. A parent or legal guardian may request copies with appropriate documentation: Medical Power of Attorney, A copy of the court order appointing guardianship, if applicable. AR40-66

  2. Deceased patients. The patient's surviving next of kin (NOK) or a court appointed executor/administrator signs consent. A copy of the death certificate must accompany all requests. Executors/administrators must show legal documentation appointing them to the position. AR40-66

  3. All other requests must be accompanied by a Subpoena, signed by a judge, or a Medical Power of Attorney which specifically indicates release of medical records.

Preparing to Retire or Separate

  1. Active duty members preparing to retire or separate should obtain copies of all medical records at least 6 months prior to their final out processing date.

  2. Members should return to PAD to obtain copies of medical paperwork generated after their records were initially copied. This will ensure members get a complete copy of their Active Duty Medical record after their retirement/ separation.


**Record Ownership – Army and Airforce “medical records are the property of the Government.” “Regional Medical Centers will ensure that MTFs do not allow Soldiers to hand-carry their medical records. Soldiers who require a copy of their record for a medical appointment will be provided a copy. Soldiers PCSing to remote areas will be provided a copy of their record..” Per AR 40-66, 1-6a.b.; FRAGO 8 to Operations Order 14-86 (Process Change for Service Treatment Records); IAW DOD 6040.43 and Air Force policy AF141-210, 6 JUNE 2012.

  1. Sailors and Marines must present orders to the record custodian prior to receiving STR (medical and dental record) and may hand-carry their STR to ensure they are provided optimal health care. Per BUMEDNOTE 6150, 7 JAN 2013

  2. Members may also obtain their dependent children’s electronic records as long as the children are under 18 years of age. Dependents, 18 years or older, must request their own medical information and records. A military ID is required for release of information, along with orders. Per AR 40-66

Civilian Records

  1. For continuation of care, PAD may file provided civilian medical records into the patient’s electronic outpatient record. All information filed into outpatient record becomes property of the DoD.

  2. If you need medical documentation for your personal record, you will have to go to the treating facility and submit a request through their records section.

Archived Records

  1. PAD maintains outpatient records for a period of 2 years after the patient’s last medical encounter (excluding active duty military and their dependents).
  2. Inpatient records are maintained for 5 years after the date of discharge at the facility where treatment was received. After such periods, the records are retired to the National Personnel Records Center(NPRC), St Louis, MO.

Patients may obtain their retired records directly from NPRC online at:

Or, write to NPRC at the following address (es):

Active Duty Military Records
Dept of Veteran Affairs
Records Mgmt Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115

Dependent Records
1411 Boulder Dr.
Valmeyer, IL 62295

Reimbursement for Medical Travel

All active duty and sponsored family members of active duty are eligible for reimbursement for medical travel when referred to care outside any of the Bavaria Health Clinics.

Statement of Competent Medical Authority (CMAs) must be requested through PAD 3-5 business days prior to scheduled appointments.

*Service members assigned to EUCOM are “responsible for bringing the ERMC Form 1-AD to their medical appointment and have section IV completed by the MTF at the time of the appointment. Section IV completed by the Stuttgart Health Clinic is not valid.” Per ECM 4204.01, 2015

Patient Registrations

The following patients must register with PAD if seeking medical care at United States Army Health Clinic Stuttgart:

  1. Civilian personnel on orders - Must present valid ID and Other Health Insurance Card. Must first register with DEERS office located on Panzer Kaserne, building 2915, DSN (314) 431-2333, Commercial +49(0)7031152333
  2. Active Reserve/National Guard on orders for less than 180 days – Must present valid ID and orders. Must first register with DEERS office located on Panzer Kaserne, building 2915, DSN (314) 431-2333, Commercial +49(0)7031152333
  3. NATO Personnel and Sponsored family members of NATO personnel – Must present valid ID and orders.

  4. *All sponsored active duty personnel on orders for 180 days or more, sponsored family members will register with TRICARE.

Contact Us


Bldg. 2300, Patch Barracks


DSN: 314-590-1618 

CIV: 06371-9464-1618


Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Services will remain open over lunch. Closed on weekends and Federal holidays.


Non Empaneled 3rd Party Insurance Form 

2024-2025 Mini Registration Form:

DD Form 3111 Adult and 3110 Pediatric Routine Immunization Form_COVID

DHA Form 116-Injectable Influenza Screening Form

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!