SHAPE Healthcare Facility Services

Emergency Services

The SHAPE Healthcare Facility is not an emergency clinic. Patients requiring emergency treatment should report to Ambroise Pare (the Mons city hospital) or the nearest host nation facility emergency room (marked URGENCES).

For Ambulance Services: In English

The listed numbers connect you to the MP desk. They are your best point of contact for all emergencies. Their Belgian interpreter immediately calls the hospital emergency room nearest your location.

Emergency Number DSN

423-3333 MP Desk

Emergency Number CIV

065-44-3333 MP Desk

For Ambulance Services: In French

Off post dial “100” for a local ambulance
On post dial “0-100” for a local ambulance
Dial “112” from a mobile phone

Contact Us


Ambroise Paré
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!