Vincenza Army Health Clinic Services

Hearing Conservation


Hearing Conservation Screening and Support for Audiologist.


Coordinate hearing screening for all Active Duty and provider-referred patients. Pre- and post- deployment screenings for Active Duty and Department of the Army Civilians. Refer patients to Audiology in Aviano or Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, if indicated.

Target Audience:

Active Duty and Department of the Army Civilians with deployment orders.

Active Duty Appointments available through Tricare Online or by calling DSN 636-9000. Walk-ins by appointment only.

Annual hearing tests are mandatory for all military, noise-exposed personnel as per PAM 40-501 (also see AR 40-5).

Pre-deployment testing will count as fulfilling the annual requirement. Post deployment hearing testing is now mandatory per ALARACT 003/2009.

We presently have the ability to test up to 8 people at one time.

We ensure testing meets the military school standards for being current and within the required criteria.

We monitor Unit statistics for adherence to policy. Coordination of groups or special appointment times for hearing testing may be organized by calling or e-mailing.

We assist units with access to MEDPROS and provide training on accessing them.

We follow up on hearing tests by appointment.

Walk-in hearing testing is available when a technician is available. Patients with Hearing Test appointments have priority.

Civilian beneficiaries must coordinate the referral for a hearing test screening through their health care provider.

We coordinate follow-up appointments with the Aviano or Landstuhl audiologist.

Hearing Protection Education is also provided. The Health Center does not provide hearing protection devices. Please see your unit supply sergeant for ordering.
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!