Kaiserslautern Army Health Clinic Services

Patient Liaison Services

The Patient Liaison Services office is located at Landstuhl.

Host Nation Patient Liaisons can:

  • Help plan your transfer from a Military Treatment Facility to a Host Nation medical facility or from a Host Nation facility to a military medical facility by civilian ambulance or by your privately owned vehicle.
  • Ease language barriers between the patient and Host Nation Providers and provide the patient with a copy of the U.S. Army Europe Medical Phrase Book.
  • Talk to your Host Nation physician to get up-to-date information on your medical condition and treatment plan.
  • Answer questions about treatment, environment of care, and follow-up care to the best of their knowledge, or when doctors are unavailable.
  • Assess and interpret patient concerns to determine specific assistance needs.
  • Conduct follow-up visits to assess treatment progress and/or plans for the patient's transfer to other hospitals or Military Treatment Facilities.
  • Assist with the discharge of a patient from a Host Nation hospital.
  • Provide local resources for medical supplies and pharmacies.
  • Per request, accompany you on your first visit to a Host Nation provider.

Contact Us


Bldg. 93761 B (Landstuhl)



590-4847 / 4848 / 6721


06371-9464-4847 / 4848 / 6721


Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Closed on German and American Holidays

After duty hours, please call the Patient Gateway DSN 590-314-590-5890 or +49 6371-9464-5890.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!