Vicenza Army Health Clinic Services

COVID-19 Testing

Testing is recommended with onset of symptoms, to include but not limited to: fever, cough, nasal congestion.

  • USAHC-V Walk-in testing is available Monday - Friday, 10:30 - 11: 30 a.m. Check in at Primary Care Desk #1.
  • While at-home antigen tests are authorized and reliable, their results will not be added to your medical record.
  • At-home antigen tests may be purchased from a Farmacia and are available at the USAHC-V Pharmacy.

COVID Guidelines: Positive & Close Contact for Non Healthcare Workers

  • If you are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory virus (nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat, or headache) stay home! 
  • Once your symptoms are improving and you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications, you may resume normal activities.
  • It is recommended you use added preventions (wear mask, enhance hygiene and social distances) for five (5) days after returning to normal activities.

COVID-19 Vaccine

The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness.

FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are currently available to all U.S. citizens and residents for six (6) months to 11 years old. COVID-19 vaccine for age 12 years and up are currently on order..

Concerns about the vaccine?

Speak with a Vaccine Expert. You may contact the DHA-Immunization Healthcare Support Center at 877-GET-VACC (877-438-8222) option 1, or Defense Switched Network (DSN) 761-4245, option 1, if you have questions about the vaccines or about an adverse event following vaccination.

Questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

Visit the CDC Website for up to date COVID-19 information.  


Contact Us


U.S. Army Health Clinic, Vicenza (Building 2310) 
Check in at Primary Care Desk #1


DSN 314-636-9120
Commercial +39 0444-61-9120


Monday - Friday
10:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Closed on weekends and U.S. holidays

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!