Ederle Behavioral Health
The Ederle Behavioral Health clinic provides services to active duty service members stationed on Caserma Ederle and all Vicenza area dependents. In addition to the general outpatient behavioral health clinic, also known as Multi-D, Caserma Ederle is also home to the Family Advocacy Program (clinical/intervention) and the Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS). There are walk-in services for acute issues, but there are no after-hours, inpatient, or emergency capabilities and thus those matters will be redirected to local national hospitals. We do not provide routine outpatient services for civilians or retirees with the exception of already established patients.
The Ederle BH clinic has psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and technicians who provide a full range of outpatient assessment and therapy services. This includes specialty evaluations for active-duty service members such as command-directed evaluations, special duty assignment evaluations (i.e. aviation), and administrative evaluations such as those for separation packets. Other services include the Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) program, the Family Advocacy Program intervention services, and the Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS).
Service members stationed at Caserma Ederle and all Vicenza area dependents to include children are eligible for services. There are no services for civilians. Service members transitioning to retirement are eligible to continue already-established services, but other retirees are typically not eligible.
Eligible beneficiaries can schedule an appointment by calling the front desk or stopping by. General outpatient BH services do not require a referral in most cases, whereas some specialty services do. Call the front desk for assistance.
Commander's Behavioral Health Handbook
Del Din Behavioral Health
The Embedded Behavioral Health (EBH) clinic provides services to the active duty service members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, SETAF, and other contingents stationed on Del Din. The EBH is an active duty only clinic. There are walk-in services for acute issues, but there are no after-hours, inpatient, or emergency capabilities and thus those matters will be redirected to local national hospitals.
The EBH clinic has psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and technicians who provide a full range of outpatient assessment and therapy services. This includes specialty evaluations for active-duty service members such as command-directed evaluations, special duty assignment evaluations (i.e. aviation), and administrative evaluations such as those for separation packets. The EBH also has Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC) services, as well as nurse case management.
Service members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade, SETAF, and other designated detachments stationed on Del Din.
Eligible service members can schedule an appointment by calling the front desk or stopping by. General outpatient BH services do not require a referral in most cases, whereas some specialty services do. Call the front desk for assistance.
Commander's Behavioral Health Handbook