Vicenza Army Health Clinic Services

Optometry Services



Optometrists are independent, primary healthcare providers who examine, diagnose, treat, and manage diseases and disorders of the visual system, the eye and associated structures as well as diagnose related systemic conditions. Our Optometrists are an integral part of your healthcare team. As eye care practitioners, they are skilled in the co-management of eye health and vision care.

Scope of service:

·    Routine eye exams to include glasses prescriptions, ocular health assessment, and management of ocular disease.

  • Contact lens updates (only for established contact lens wearers who bring their habitual lenses with the parameters from the box or prior written prescription) Initial contact lens fits may be obtained off post with a civilian optical.
  • Ordering and dispensing of Military Eyewear for eligible Soldiers. 
  • Ordering and dispensing of Military Eyewear for eligible retirees (walk-in Monday 1300-1600 and Wednesday 0800-1200-valid glasses prescription attained off post will be required for retiree glasses orders) 
  • Acute eye exams for red eyes or trauma (Referral from PCM or walk in if space is available) 
  • Refractive Surgery evaluations and post operative care (Active Duty only; appointment required) 
  • Class 1 Flight Physicals and DODMERB Physicals (appointment required) 
  • Military Physicals – Airborne, Special Forces, Ranger, Class 2/3/4 Flight, MEDPROS, etc. (walk-in Monday 1300-1600 and Wednesday 0800-1200). 
  • Driver’s License and occupational screening for military/civilian (walk-in Monday 1300-1600 and Wednesday 0800-1200).


Eligible Beneficiaries:


  • We offer routine eye exams for active duty Service Members and also offer care to active duty dependents when space is available. (By appointment only) 
  • Eyecare for retirees and contractors should be completed off post with a local provider of their choosing. (No referral is needed for contractors or retirees).  
  • Tricare Prime family members may be seen off post for routine care without a referral at Casa di Cura Villa Berica Ophthalmology Clinic. For more information, please visit the optometry front desk.


How to Schedule An Appointment:


  • For appointments on post, please call central appointments at +39 444 619000 to make your appointment today! 
  • For appointments as Casa di Cura Villa Berica Ophthalmology Clinic please use WhatsApp to message your appointment request +39 320 307 1196 (Opening hours 0900-1220 & 1400-1620)


Clinic Specific Information:



  • Please bring your glasses to all appointments do not wear contacts unless told to do so by your eye doctor. 
  • We order glasses only for active duty, activated reservists and retirees. 
  • Glasses can take up to 6 weeks from order to the time that they are ready for pick up at the clinic during normal walk-in hours. Patients will be emailed when glasses arrive.  
  • Children Policy: Eye exams sometimes require extended time in which children, especially those of a very young age, cannot be attended. Please bring your children only if they have a scheduled appointment. 
  • Don't Be A No-Show!  Patients who miss appointments are considered "No Shows” which limit the number of available appointments.  We ask that patients cancel at least 24 hours prior to appointments. To cancel an appointment, please call 636-9000 prior to your appointment.



Contact Us


U.S. Army Health Clinic, Vicenza (Building 2310)

DSN Phone:


CIV Phone:

+39 0444 61 9000


Monday – Friday

07:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.– 4:15 p.m.

Closed on Federal Holidays and Weekends


Closed Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month for training from 11:45 a.m.– 4:15 p.m.


Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!