Vicenza Army Health Clinic Services

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)


EFMP is to assist Active Duty, DOD civilians, AGR/Reserve Personnel with family members who have physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual needs.  In addition, EFMP in Europe also assists with command sponsorship related to new marriages/new baby(s)/secondary dependents; Housing; Medical TDY’s/Compassionate Actions, Family Travel Screenings covering three continents and in communication with Continental U.S. EFMP offices. The overall goal is to help Families accompany the Service member to the right duty locations, not to exclude them.

Scope of Service:

Medical screenings, enrollment, EFMP updates, disenrollment, command sponsorship evaluation, family travel, compassionate reassignments for medical and educational needs.

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Dependents of soldiers stationed at Caserma Ederle, Del Din, or satellite locations in Italy.

** Some services may be performed by the nearest EFMP location to the dependent in the setting of EFMP Screening prior to OCONUS arrival**

How to Schedule an Appointment:

Appointments will be coordinated through the Clinical EFMP Coordinator. All EFMP appointments are virtual.

In person preventative medicine examinations must be done in the last 12 months prior to any EFMP screening action. (Preferred browser Chrome) to initiate or check the status of a packet.


Clinic Specific Information:

  1. Log into Enterprise-EFMP and initiate your packet. Complete this information to the best of your ability and knowledge. The EFMP office is unable to initiate packets on behalf of a soldier or family member.
  2. EFMP Coordinator will review each packet within 10 business days to ensure accuracy and completeness. You may be contacted at this point to schedule a physical exam or to provide additional documentation for reported medical problems. Your packet cannot move forward until you complete all requests.  If you do not hear back after 10 business days regarding the status of your packet, please reach out via email for an update.
  3. Once your packet has been reviewed, you will be scheduled for a virtual screening with one of our EFMP Clinicians.
  4. If enrollment or update of EFMP status is warranted, you will be scheduled a second virtual appointment to review your specific medical needs and history in detail.
  5. Once the packet has been submitted, it is reviewed by a secondary clinician for accuracy.
  6. After secondary approval, the EFMP packet will be submitted to the gaining unit. Review and decision may take 30 days from submission.
  7. The gaining unit’s EFMP Program provides the determination as to whether a family member will receive adequate care in the requested location. You may submit for a reconsideration, but this may require a six month wait period depending on the diagnosis in question.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the email address listed above. There are also EFMP resources available at the Ederle Army Community Center.

Contact Us


U.S. Army Health Clinic, Vicenza (Building 2310)

DSN Phone:


CIV Phone:

+39 0444-61-9024


Monday – Friday

07:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.– 4:15 p.m.

Closed on Federal Holidays and Weekends

Closed Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month for training from 11:45 a.m.– 4:15 p.m.

If you have questions for the local EFMP staff, please send an email to:         


Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!