USAHC Vicenza

Patient Liaisons


Liaison and translation service at the local Italian hospital, Ospedale San Bortolo.



Scope of Services: 

EMERGENCY CARE: Patient Liaisons will translate for the evaluation process. The Triage nurse will assign the assessment classification according to the case severity.  Diagnostic choices will be made at discretion of the attending Emergency Room Physician.

·         In the Emergency Room (ER) you will check in at the TRIAGE Desk, where the Patient Liaison will join you to assist with the ER evaluation process.

·         Patient Liaisons will provide a verbal summary of the care to the patient and will send a message in MHS Genesis to the patient’s Primary Care Manager (PCM) at the Ederle Clinic / Del Din Clinic within 24 hours from the ER encounter. If additional care is recommended at the ER, a follow up appointment with your PCM Team will be necessary. 

OBSTETRIC EMERGENCY CARE: Access the Obstetric ER from the outside (2nd door on the right, after the General ER entrance). 

INPATIENT CARE: Patient Liaisons are available for translation and communication support between the patient and the San Bortolo Hospital medical staff. 

OUTPATIENT CARE: Patient Liaisons accompany and provide translation and communication support for all encounters scheduled at the San Bortolo Hospital.

·         Patient Liaisons will provide verbal summary of the care received to the patient and will send a message in MHS Genesis to the patient’s PCM at the Ederle Clinic / Del Din Clinic. If additional care is recommended, a follow up appointment with your PCM Team will be necessary. 

OB-GYN CLINIC: This clinic is a contracted out medical facility, which supports the Vicenza Military Community. The Patient Liaison staff does not provide translation support for this English-speaking Service.

·         For scheduled OB/GYN appointments, please go directly to the OB/GYN Clinic (main entrance, first corridor on the right, first elevator on the right, 3rd floor).

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Assistance to Tricare Prime patients (AD & ADFM) for continuity of care and coordination with the patient’s PCM at the Ederle Clinic / Del Din Clinic during ER visits, outpatient appointments, and inpatient admissions.


How to schedule an appointment: 

EMERGENCY CARE: You may telephone ahead of your arrival at 0444-75-3300. The ER will notify the Patient Liaisons if our beneficiaries present for care.

OUTPATIENT CARE: San Bortolo Hospital notifies the Patient Liaisons of upcoming appointments for our beneficiaries.

INPATIENT: San Bortolo Hospital notifies the Patient Liaisons of an admission for our beneficiaries.


Clinic specific information:


Remember to bring along all your past medical records. These can be retrieved through the Patient Portal:

MRI diagnostics are not performed at the ER.

During the night, the presence of specialty providers within the ER is limited and available only for life-threatening (life, limb or eyesight) events.

Prescriptions from ER providers can be filled at any Italian “Farmacia.” Payments can be made by either Euro or by credit card.  In order to submit a reimbursement claim for medication costs, submit claims to:


Other Helpful Resources & Information:

Translation support with TriCare ISOS is available 24/7: 0044-208-762-8384 OR MYCARE Overseas App



Contact Us


Main entrance of the San Bortolo Hospital (office to the left of the Information Deck).    

Please knock to enter!

DSN Phone:


CIV Phone:

+39 0444-75-3300


Hours: 0700-1900 hours daily

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!