Vicenza Army Health Clinic Services



Medical Nutrition Therapy and nutrition education is provided in individual and group appointments. To improve access to care, it is recommended that most nutrition needs be addressed in classes (if applicable) before booking a one-on-one appointment. This ensures that the beneficiary receives foundational information as quickly as possible. It also allows the individual appointment to focus on individual circumstances and person-specific recommendations without skipping the basics. Conditions that commonly benefit from nutrition therapy include:

  • Medical Weight Management
  • Aesthetic Weight Management (after seeing the AFWC first)
  • Disordered Eating & Eating Disorders
  • Lack of Appetite
  • Hyperlipidemia/Hypertension
  • Pre-Diabetes/Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal Disturbances
  • Management of Nutritional Side Effects of Medications
  • Nutrition-Focused Behavior Change Therapy

 For Soldiers that are flagged for height/weight failure (AR 600-9, Army Body Composition Program), ABCP Group Enrollment MUST be completed before booking an individual appointment. With sufficient notice, a Registered Dietitian is available to speak to your unit or organization. All appointments or unit briefings can be scheduled by calling DSN 314-636-9080 or Civilian +39 0444-61-9080.

Scope of Services:


ABCP Enrollment and Weight Management Foundations

This 90-minute class is required within 30 days of being flagged IAW AR 600-9 and fulfills the Soldier’s requirement for nutrition counseling. If the Soldier elected to participate in the “MTF Dietitian” program on their Soldier Action Plan for ABCP, they are given the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a dietitian at the conclusion of the class.
• Improve body composition IAW AR 600-9, Army Body Composition Program
• Improve military readiness, job performance, and personal health
• Lower risk of lifestyle-related disease

Weight Management Foundations

This 90-minute class is open to any active-duty or active-duty family members that are interested in changing their body composition should attend this class to build a baseline knowledge on the psychosocial drivers of food intake and biochemical science of metabolic regulation. We explore calorie deficits for fat loss, calorie surpluses for lean mass gain, macronutrients’ functions and food sources, appropriate macro splits for your goals and how to translate all of this into sustainable behavior changes.

Pediatric Picky Eaters

This 90-minute class is for parents of children ages 2-12 who have concerns about their child’s willingness to try new foods or are exhibiting food/sensory preferences that are limiting the variety of foods consumed. This class delves into the preferences, fears, sensory experiences, and environmental factors that contribute to picky eating tendencies. We then discuss in depth the division of feeding responsibilities between parent and child and how to create a structure that minimizes stress at meal times for both!
Parents are encouraged to arrange for childcare during the class to minimize disruptions and ensure all may receive maximal benefit.

UNIT CLASSES (by request)

Unit briefings can be customized to fit the needs of your formation. It is recommended to request unit briefings 6-8 weeks in advance to ensure that a provider will be available during the duty day. Nutrition topics could include (but are not limited to):

  • Performance Nutrition Foundations
  • Fueling for the ACFT/Unit METL: Pre/Intra/Post Event Fueling
  • Ration Optimization for Food Austere Environments
  • Safe and Effective Dietary Supplementation
  • Group ABCP Enrollment (5+ pax)


Performance Triad Website
U.S. Army Public Health Command’s Weight Management Guide
Operation Supplement Safety Website
Dietary Supplements: Report a Problem to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Human Performance Resource Center

Eligible Beneficiaries:

Nutritional Medicine provides services for active-duty service members and family members of active-duty service members. Retirees and their family members may be eligible for virtual services at LRMC Nutritional Medicine with referral from PCM.

How to schedule an appointment:

You can schedule an appointment with Nutritional Medicine or send questions by calling the USAHC-Vicenza’s Rehab services front desk at DSN 314-636-9080 or CIV +39-0444-61-9080.

Clinic specific information:

U.S. Army Health Clinic Vicenza: Helpful Resources & Information!
US Army Health Clinic Vicenza (TRICARE Representative):
MHS Genesis (Patient Portal):  
ICE Submissions:*DoD
TRICARE Network: Helpful Resources & Information!
International sos (isos):
MYCARE Overseas Application (Network Patient Portal):
Host-Nation Feedback & Claims:
TRICARE Network Concerns/Compliments:
Grievance submission by phone Eurasia-Africa (Africa, Europe & the Middle East) +44-20-8762-8384 option #1 or option #4.
*NOTE: Remember to include contact information, including the beneficiary’s name, address and telephone number, the individual or institutional provider’s contact information, the beneficiary’s date of birth and a full description of the issue or concern including date and times of the event(s).

Other Helpful Resources & Information:

Patient Liaisons at San Bortolo:
Stars-&-Stripes Health & Medical Magazine:
Off-Post Dentist Look Up (United Concordia-Dental Insurance Overseas):
Click Here for Patient Rights and Responsibilities:

Contact Us


U.S. Army Health Clinic, Vicenza (Building 2310)

DSN Phone:


CIV Phone:

+39 0444-61-9080



Monday – Friday

07:45 a.m.–11:45 a.m. and 12:45 p.m.– 4:15 p.m.

Closed on Federal Holidays and Weekends

Closed Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month for training from 11:45 a.m.– 4:15 p.m.


Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!